"1 + 1 Free" SALES RULES

Article 1.

  1. Wiliwa s.r.o., Company ID No.: 53233239, with its registered office at Žižkova 21, 81102 Bratislava, SK (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), organizes a sales event called "1 + 1 for free" (hereinafter referred to as the "Promotion").
    The subject of this document is the overall revision of the rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") These rules are the only document that is binding on the rules of the Promotion. These rules may only be amended by written amendments published in the same manner as this document.

Article 2.

  1. The Promotion will take place in the shop.respilon.com e-shop, while the offer related to the Promotion will be valid only during the specified period.

Article 3.

  1. A participant in the Promotion may be a natural or legal person who is an end customer and meets the other conditions set out in these Rules (hereinafter referred to as the "Customer").
  2. Only those Customers who meet all the conditions of the Promotion will be included in the Promotion. The Company reserves the right at any time at its sole discretion to assess the fulfilment of the specified conditions by individual Customers and to exclude from the Promotion Customers who do not meet the conditions set out in these Rules, at its own discretion.

Article 4.

  1. The Customer participates in the Promotion by purchasing a set of two products marked with the 1+1 flag within one purchase at the time and place of the Promotion in accordance with Article 2 of the Rules ("Purchase").
  2. The customer will receive the cheapest of the two products as part of a free Purchase.
  3. Each customer may participate in the Promotion repeatedly, but always after meeting all the conditions of participation under these Rules.
  4. The Company has the exclusive right to assess the fulfilment of the conditions of the Promotion by individual Customers. The Company is entitled to definitively exclude the Customer if it suspects that the Customer has committed fraudulent conduct or other conduct that is contrary to good morals. This decision to exclude the Customer is final, without the possibility of appeal.

Article 5.

  1. These Rules will be available on the respilon.com website throughout the Promotion period.
  2. The Company can also be contacted in connection with the Promotion at the e-mail address provided on the respilon.com website.
  3. Participation in the Event is voluntary. By participating in the Promotion, the Customer agrees to these Rules and undertakes to fully comply with them. The rights and obligations arising in connection with the Promotion, which are not regulated in these Rules, are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.
  4. The Company reserves the right to change the terms of the Promotion or the duration of the Promotion without giving reasons and without providing any compensation and without any claims of the Customers against the Company. Any such change to the Rules or Promotion will be notified in the same manner as these Rules. Changes will be made by the Company only for exceptional reasons, in particular in response to circumstances beyond the Company's reasonable control, including technical or legal reasons, and provided that the Company will always endeavour to minimize their impact on Customers.
  5. When exercising the rights arising from defective performance (complaint) of goods within this Action, the applicable legislation contained in particular in Act No. 40/1964 Coll. of the Civil Code, as amended, and in accordance with the valid Complaints Procedure of the Company shall be followed.
  6. In the event of the Customer's withdrawal from the contract, the purchase price will be refunded to the Customer, and the Customer's withdrawal from the purchase contract always applies to the set of all products purchased as part of the Purchase.
  7. Discounts and other benefits within this Promotion cannot be combined with other discounts or other sales promotions.
  8. The customer has the right to turn to the entity of alternative dispute resolution, which is the Slovak Trade Inspection (https://www.soi.sk/), in order to protect his consumer rights. In the event of a cross-border dispute, the consumer has the right to contact the European Consumer Centre (http://esc-sr.sk/).
  9. A customer who is a natural person – consumer also has the right to initiate an out-of-court settlement of the dispute online via the ODR platform, which is available on the https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show&lng=CS website. The procedure of out-of-court dispute resolution is not mediation pursuant to Act No. 420/2004 Coll., on Mediation, nor arbitration proceedings pursuant to Act No. 335/2014 Coll., Act on Consumer Arbitration and on Amendments to Certain Acts, and its use is without prejudice to the Competitor's right to address his claim to the Slovak Trade Inspection Authority or to the court.