As our motto indicates, at Respilon we have respect for every human being and for the environment in which we live. This same philosophy stood at the inception of both the idea of our nanofiber products which protect health, and at the start of our charitable and educational activities. The latter are aimed primarily at persons who suffer from respiratory diseases, and/or illnesses associated with weakened immunity.
When the coronavirus struck worldwide, we also focused our attention on other organizations and needy groups (about whom you can read in more detail in our previous annual reports, available on our website). We worked hard for two long years and were pleased by the results, the positive reactions, and the smiles. As soon as the pandemic began to finally ease, we believed that life might be getting back to normal. And then came 24 February 2022, the day Russia attacked Ukraine. The international wave of solidarity fortunately allowed Ukrainians not only to resist the aggression, but also to survive the worst of times. Nor did Respilon stand idle, about which you will find out much more on the pages of this document.
The pandemic and war also made an impact on Respilon in another aspect. In 2021, we were already aware of how strongly an unforeseeable situation both at home and abroad can affect the human spirit. When one suffers psychologically, one’s body also suffers, and so we decided in the framework of our activities to extend our outlook on human health. We do not separate physical health from psychological health; we have a more complex understanding of both. In conjunction with this philosophy, Respilon began to support for example select organizers of cultural activities, artists, and festivals, in order to contribute to a better overall societal mood. And we continued similar activities during 2022.
The described experiences led me personally to thinking and deciding to even increase my own charitable activities. I treasure values such as teamwork and synergy, which not only improve every individual, but society as a whole. The charitable activities of Respilon have been logically connected above all with nanofiber products and are aimed primarily at institutions and individuals who deal with respiratory protection. And so gradually we are extending our charitable and educational activities into areas which have nothing in common with physical health – to disadvantaged persons in all senses of the word. “We” are greater than “one”. And the more people who think about lending a helping hand to the best of their abilities in their day-to-day work, the better it will be for everyone.
From this philosophy then came the idea for a new non-profit entity, which I intend to launch under my name in 2023. Primarily, such an organization will allow me to provide a broader range of aid. I’m grateful that so far in my life I have had the opportunity to meet with so many wonderful and inspirational people whom I can call my friends, and know they are similarly inclined. And through them, my work has acquired a wider scope and greater impact.
This is something we are already attempting to do at Respilon now, and our charitable activities resonate all the more with the word care. For health. The body. The soul. Life. The planet. And at the end of 2022, to these we also added: self-care. Additionally, it allowed us to create a new product in an entirely new market for us at the close of the year – in the cosmetics industry. Respibeauty – dry serum in the form of a cosmetic mask – is taking us on a different path from the theme of respiratory diseases in order to spread joy and good feelings – even into the non-profit sector. Our attentions have expanded yet again. This time, from the ill and disadvantaged to those who selflessly perform long-term care for them.
Without this overlap, no aid would make sense. At Respilon, we know that sometimes there is bad mixed in with the good. We come across many who have met with cruel fates in which it is sometimes difficult to see a glimmer of hope. But we also realize that there is no better recipe than looking at the world through a positive lens. To communicate about difficult themes optimistically, emphasizing what such activities give to ourselves and others. This is the only way to keep one’s inner balance, to draw new energy from one’s work, and then to pass it on to those who need it most. In short, we want to be on the side of good, and we truly appreciate each and every one who chooses to go there with us.