WE are greater than ONE

WE are greater than ONE WE are greater than ONE

Like all companies, we too have our own philosophy. We believe that together with non-profit and patients’ organizations – and not only with them – we can impact and change people’s lives for the better. Since the beginning of 2022, we have formed two new partnerships. Let’s have a closer look at them.

Together we can make a difference

We are RESPILON. A Czech company active on foreign markets since 2013. We research and develop nanofiber products. And we are on a mission – to find novel applications for the specific properties of nanofiber to help people live better and healthier lives.

Being sensitive to both world and domestic events and situations, we are in long-term cooperation with a number of non-profit organizations that support children and adults with compromised immunity, seriously-ill patients, and other people in need. A percentage of our sales from selected products regularly goes to such NGOs. We had been involved in such activities long before the current crisis and there is no doubt that we will continue once it is over.

We are not involved in solely commercial activities. As our mission statement says - we make products that help people live better and heathier lives. We help, educate, care, and never stop. Because... Life’s worth it. Yours, ours, the whole planet!

We believe that WE are greater than ONE. That is why we are in active cooperation with non-profit and patients’ organization. Together, we can make a difference in people’s stories, and that makes our partnerships meaningful for all parties.

Srdce na dlani (Open-Hearted)

The philosophy of the Srdce na dlani foundation – which is is to help – is, just as it is the case with other organizations that we have partnered with, ingrained in our DNA The foundation helps children in children’s homes to have a happy childhood, to fully integrate into society. It also helps them to become confident and independent individuals who can face the odds of life once they leave the children’s home.

Together we have donated colorful R-shields to children in children’s homes. They don’t need to wear ordinary face masks or respirators in a situation when they have to protect themselves, but they can wear colorful neck gaiters.

Did you know that...
the Srdce na dlani foundation has taken care of more than 1,200 children?

People in Need

People in Need is a Czech humanitarian, development, educational and human rights organization with a tradition of almost thirty years that provides humanitarian aid in depressed areas all over the world. Pomáhá lidem vyrovnat se s těžkými životními situacemi. Bojuje s chudobou, jejíž příčiny spatřuje v okolnostech, It helps people to come to terms with their unfortunate situation. It fights poverty the cause of which it sees in hinderances such as a lack of access to education, to health care and natural resources, or in inequality and discrimination.

Together we supplied our VK respirators to the Qedeli community for people with disabilities in Georgia. We got splendid feedback from them – right when they put the respirators on, they noticed that, as opposed to the usual respirators, breathing is easy with them.. We were also grateful for their thank you note that mentioned saving money thanks to the longer lifetime of these respirators.

With the help of People in Need we also supplied a number of Georgia’s needy. We sent 500 pieces of which 300 went to supragovernmental organizations that provide physical and mental health rehabilitation services to the socially disadvantaged and people in need. Some of the respirators were also used by employees in the Prague offices of People in Need.

We are truly happy for all our activities that we do in cooperation with the non-profit sector. To see how we help a thousand people to conjure a smile is simply heart-warming. So don’t forget... WE are greater than ONE.